- Definition of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), formerly the Education of the Handicapped Act (P.L. 94-142), includes "hearing impairment" and "deafness" as two of the categories under which children with disabilities may be eligible for special education and related service programming. While the term "hearing impairment" is often used generically to describe a wide range of hearing losses, including deafness, the regulations for IDEA define hearing loss and deafness separately.
(Added: Wed Jul 25 2001)
- Education Settings
Residential schools, special day schools, special class at regular school, mainstreaming.
(Added: Sat Jun 23 2001)
- Tip Sheet for Classroom Adaptation
British Columbia Ministry of Education - Special Education - Hard of Hearing and Deaf Students:
A Resource Guide to Support Classroom Teachers
(Added: Tue Jul 03 2001)
- Working With an Interpreter
As a teacher new to the field of deafness, you may never have had the experience of teaching with an interpreter at your side. In the beginning, this new experience may seem a bit strange, but adjustment to the situation will be easier if you bear in mind the following guidelines
(Added: Tue Jul 03 2001)