Homeschooling Gifted
An Introductory Guide for Parents ERIC EC Digest #E543
February 1998
Author: Jacque Ensign During the last 20 years, increasing
numbers of families in the United States have chosen to educate their children
at home or outside the conventional school environment. Current estimates range
from 500,000 to 1.2 million students (Lines, 1991, 1995; Ray, 1996). Of that number,
a significant percentage of families have chosen homeschooling as the educational
option for their gifted children. Challenges and Opportunities When families consider homeschooling,
there are many issues to explore. Time commitment.
Homeschooling requires an enormous time commitment by at least one parent. However,
many parents of highly gifted children are already actively committed to their
children's education. Parents find themselves trying to squeeze in extra hours
for music, dance, and art. Frequently, their evenings are spent enriching the
classroom curriculum so their children will continue to be academically challenged.
These parents claim that homeschooling is a way to tailor their children's education
to specific needs and interests at the appropriate academic challenge level,
and to create an integrated educational environment that includes a wide range
of activities. Talk together as a family
to decide if this is the appropriate choice for you. As with any educational
option, homeschooling works better for some students and parents than for others.
Some find the demands and intensity of homeschooling to be too stressful; others
love the freedom and challenge. Resources and
financial considerations. Homeschooling parents use many resources
and materials. These can become expensive, but there are ways to defray some
of the costs. Homeschooling parents can borrow from each other, share resources,
and make use of common items in the house and natural environments for curriculum
material. The public library is a rich resource for books and videos. Many libraries
offer interlibrary loans and vacation-loan extensions to the public. The Internet
offers a wealth of highly sophisticated information, especially in the academic
subject areas. A computer in the house is an advantage, but there are other
ways to gain access to the Internet; for example, some public libraries and
schools offer access. When considering homeschooling,
explore resources and materials in advance. At all levels, verify the type of
support schools will provide. If they have a gifted program, they may provide
curriculum suggestions and guidelines. Contact others who are homeschooling
through your state's homeschooling network. Academic considerations. Homeschooling
can offer increased flexibility and academic challenge. Flexibility is particularly
important since many gifted students are uneven in their abilities. For example,
a child may be several years ahead in math, but struggling with reading or writing.
Some children excel in all
areas and require academic challenges to remain motivated in school. Many of
these students sit idly, waiting for the class to catch up (U.S. Department
of Education, 1994b). A rigorous, academically challenging curriculum offers
the opportunity to insert depth and breadth. For example, the use of primary
or original sources and advanced reading material may lead the gifted learner
into critical thinking about an academic subject area or an interdisciplinary
approach to subject matter. Projects, hands-on learning, and problem-based learning
may provide interesting approaches to academic content. Gifted homeschoolers enjoy
opportunities to develop in multifaceted ways and pursue interests without time
and curriculum constraints. Individual learning, tutorials, and small group
classes are some of the options. Social considerations.
Many people have expressed concern about the social life and potential isolation
of homeschooled children. Studies of social adjustment and self-esteem indicate
that home-educated students are likely to be socially and psychologically healthy
(Montgomery, 1989; Shyers, 1992; Taylor, 1986). Homeschooled students tend to
have a broader age-range of friends than their schooled peers, which may encourage
maturity and leadership skills (Montgomery, 1989). Homeschoolers are not necessarily
isolated from others of their age; they meet and socialize with peers in their
neighborhood and at community classes and activities. With concerted effort by
families, most homeschoolers can find avenues for social and intellectual interaction.
When a student is interested in a topic, efforts can be made to ensure that
the student talks with people of various backgrounds and viewpoints. A mentor
working individually with the student may add stimulation and challenge. Professional
societies and community organizations are a good place to start looking for
people interested in sciences such as astronomy, visual and performing arts,
and music. Libraries, museums, parks departments, historical sites, scout and
sport programs, local businesses, religious groups, and theater groups expand
homeschooling programs. Some homeschool groups have formed their own sports
teams, and participate in community leagues. Homeschoolers benefit from volunteering
in agencies such as hospitals, nature centers, museums, parks, libraries, and
businesses. Legal considerations.
Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, Canada, and many other countries. Some
states require that parents notify the local school district of their intent
to homeschool; others require parents to register with the state department
of education. Some permit a homeschool to register as a private school. Many
states require yearly proof of student progress. Some states have additional
requirements, such as the submission of a curriculum plan or education requirements
for parents. Except for yearly standardized testing as an assessment of student
achievement, services for homeschoolers have not been routinely available from
the states. A few states permit homeschooled students to participate in public
school classes or activities. Many state education agencies have a homeschooling
liaison to help families understand state requirements. Federally mandated special
education services may be available to homeschooled students through the public
schools. Since states vary in their
specific requirements, obtain a copy of your state's homeschool law from your
state department of education or your state legislator's office. Local homeschool
support groups are good sources of information on complying with the local laws
and regulations. Ways to Homeschool There are many methods of
homeschooling; no single method is best. Success often comes through experience,
confidence, and willingness to experiment. Many parents prefer the structure
and security of a correspondence or purchased curriculum in the first year,
switching to their own tailored program once they have developed experience
and feel more confident. Some parents prefer to use textbooks and commercial
curricula; others prefer to use a variety of resources. Some parents opt to
teach all subject areas to their children; others seek out classes or tutorials
for some or all of the subjects, especially for homeschooled high school students.
Approaches may vary with individual children and change over time as demands
and experiences alter their lives. Reading accounts of other homeschool experiences
and getting to know other homeschoolers offers perspective, ideas, and appreciation
for the many ways of homeschooling. What Resources are
Available to Develop or Assess the Quality of a Homeschool Curriculum? Testing and evaluations
of subject area competencies can be useful in planning an educational program
and assessing its outcomes. A combination of assessments normally provides the
most complete picture of a child's progress. Off-grade standardized testing
and portfolio evaluations may also be appropriate. Standardized grade-level
achievement tests may be available from your local school district or state
department of education. These tests can be used to ensure that students are
keeping up with local school district grade level competencies. Homeschooling
families should plan for objective assessment as part of the curriculum. Not
only does objective assessment document achievement, but the results should
inform program planning. To investigate the topic of assessment, contact the
ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (1-800-GO4-ERIC). Model content and performance
standards are available in many of the subject areas. Content standards define
what students should know and be able to do. They describe the knowledge, skills,
and understanding that students should have in order to attain high levels of
competency in challenging subject matter (U.S. Department of Education, 1994a).
Performance standards identify the levels of achievement in the subject matter
set out in the content standards and state how well students demonstrate their
competency in a subject (U.S. Department of Education, 1994a). By following
the basic academic standards set by the states or the national subject area
standards, parents have a rich framework from which to develop challenging curriculum.
Homeschooling resources and information on obtaining standards is provided in
ERICEC Minibibliography EB18, which is part 2 of this digest. International, national,
and regional competitions may be valuable assessments of and incentives for
achievement. Further, competitions may provide feedback as to how the student
compares with others who are interested in the same area. Regional and national
competitions can be found in most fields, including math, science, computer
programming, writing, engineering, geography, environmental, art, music, and
dance. Specific examples are included in Homeschooling Resources (EB18). A selected
list of competitions and activities can be obtained for a fee from the National
Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). How Well Do Homeschoolers
Perform? One way to compare homeschooled
students with peers who attend public schools is to use standardized achievement
test scores. A study of homeschooled student scores on standardized achievement
tests shows higher scores than the general population (National Home Education
Research Institute, 1997). Galloway (1995) investigated homeschooled graduates'
potential for success in college by comparing their performance with students
from conventional schools and found insignificant differences, except in the
ACT English subtest scores. Homeschooled students earned higher scores in that
subtest. What About College?
The later high school years
should be structured with college applications in mind. These years may be managed
in a variety of ways. Some students remain in homeschooling and receive no diploma.
Others choose to reenter public school during high school to align themselves
with peers and obtain a standard diploma. Others select a combination that will
take advantage of Advanced Placement courses or other academic and extracurricular
offerings. Limited research suggests
that the home educated do well in college (Sutton & de Oliveira, 1995; Galloway,
& Sutton, 1995). Furthermore, homeschoolers may find the unique experiences
and abilities gained through homeschooling make them attractive to competitive
colleges. Check with the colleges of interest to determine if they have specific
application requirements for homeschoolers. When standard high school student
transcripts are not available, colleges may need other information to make an
informed decision. SAT scores may be given more weight, since they are a way
of comparing a homeschooler to the general college-bound population. Transcripts
from community college courses taken during high school years can be useful.
Letters of recommendation from persons who have worked with the homeschooler
in tutorials, apprenticeships, community service, and social activities may
prove very valuable. A detailed description of unique homeschool courses, in-depth
independent projects, competitions, publications, and community service activities
will help a college understand the quality of an applicant's homeschool education
and recognize the student as a competitive applicant. An interview, when offered
by a college or university, is particularly important for homeschool applicants.
Where Can Families
Get Information? This digest has an accompanying
bibliography (EB18) that provides a wide variety of resources. The following
resources and others cited in their bibliographies are another place to start.
There are many parent discussion groups on the Internet that discuss homeschooling
issues. Groups such as TAGFAM and TAG-L are listed on the ERIC EC website
Or, seek out a local homeschool support group. You can find one by checking
with state organizations listed in some of the magazines and through some of
the Internet sites listed in EB 18. Other sources include libraries; state and
local boards of education, especially state or local gifted advocacy groups;
La Leche League; and religious organizations. Be sure to look for groups that
match the underlying philosophy that attracted you to homeschooling. References Galloway, R. A., & Sutton,
J. P. (1995). Home schooled and conventionally schooled high school graduates:
A comparison of aptitude for and achievement in college English. Home School
Researcher, 11(1), 1-9. Galloway, R. A. (1995).
Home schooled adults: Are they ready for college? ED384297. Lines, P. M. (Oct. 1991).
Estimating the home schooled population. Working Paper. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Research and Improvement. ED 337903. Lines, P. M. (1995). Homeschooling.
ERIC EA Digest No. 95, ED381849. Montgomery, L. R. (1989).
The effect of home schooling on the leadership skills of home schooled students.
Home School Researcher, 5(1), 1-10. National Home Education
Research Institute, (1997). Strengths of their own: Home schoolers across America:
Academic achievement, family characteristics, and longitudinal traits. Salem,
OR: National Home Education Research Institute. Ray, B. D. (1996). Home
education research fact sheet IIb. Salem, OR: National Home Education Research
Institute. Shyers, L. E. (1992). A
comparison of social adjustment between home and traditionally schooled students.
Home School Researcher, 8(3), 1-8. Sutton, J. P., & de
Oliveira, P. (1995). Differences in critical thinking skills among students
educated in public schools, Christian schools, and home schools. ED390147. Taylor, J. W. (June, 1986).
Self-concept in home-schooling children. Home School Researcher, 2(2),
1-3. U.S. Department of Education
(1994a). High standards for all students. U.S. Department of Education
(1994b). Prisoners of time. Note. The Home School
Researcher is published by the National Home Education Research Institute,
PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309. 513-772-9580. URL: Dr. Jacque Ensign is
a professor of education at Southern Connecticut State University and a consultant
for homeschoolers in Virginia. She homeschooled her own three gifted children
for 11 years.
ERIC Digests are in the
public domain and may be freely reproduced and disseminated, but please acknowledge
your source. This publication was prepared with funding from the U.S. Department
of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, under contract
no. RI93002005. The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect
the positions or policies of OERI or the Department of Education. The
ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC)
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