- Apraxia Kids
Has your child recently been diagnosed with apraxia or dyspraxia of speech? Are you concerned about a child who seems to be late to start talking? Are
you a teacher with an apraxic child in your classroom? Or an experienced speech language pathologist or parent wishing to become more fully informed about
apraxia? If this describes you, you're at the right place! Take a look at the main topic groupings below to find out where to go from here.
(Added: Sat Jun 16 2001)
- Developmental Apraxia of Speech -ASHA
Developmental apraxia of speech is a disorder of the nervous system that affects the ability to sequence and
say sounds, syllables, and words. It is not due to muscular weakness or paralysis. The problem is in the
brain's planning to move the body parts needed for speech (e.g., lips, jaw, tongue).
(Added: Tue Jul 10 2001)
- Expressive Communication Help Organization
ECHO, the Expressive Communication Help Organization was established by
parents for parents/caregivers of late-talking children diagnosed with or
suspected of having Oral Motor Speech Disorders, such as apraxia, dyspraxia
or dysarthria. Our aim is to provide a supportive environment in which to
discuss concerns, to bounce ideas off each other and share successful
strategies and resource information. We are based in the Greater Toronto
and our group meets the second Sunday of each month.
You are not alone. If you have an apraxic child, or think you have an
apraxic child and would like to find out more about our support group,
please contact us.
(Added: Sun Jan 13 2002)