- Expressive Communcation Help Organization
ECHO, the Expressive Communication Help Organization was established by
parents for parents/caregivers of late-talking children diagnosed with or
suspected of having Oral Motor Speech Disorders, such as apraxia, dyspraxia
or dysarthria.
(Added: Sun Jan 13 2002)
- National Center for Voice and Speech
Electronic home of the National Center for Voice and Speech, an inter-disciplinary, multi-site team of investigators dedicated to studying the powers, limitations and enhancement of human voice and speech.
(Added: Wed May 01 2002)
- The Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology
Our Mission is to:
To foster the highest ideals and principles of private practice in speech pathology and audiology.
To provide interaction and communication among those in private practice.
To create and elevate professional standards among those in private practice.
To provide ongoing interaction relevant to the private practitioner.
(Added: Fri Jun 15 2001)